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Three species of quail compose the Arizona quail trifecta.

Gambel's Quail

Gambel’s quail are the most common and widespread quail species, primarily inhabiting desert and chaparral areas below the Mogollon Rim across Arizona. When hunting our desert birds, be prepared to run, as Gambel’s are more apt to run or flush than hold for a dog.

Gambel's quail

Scaled Quail

Scaled quail prefer the open semidesert grasslands and Chihuahuan desert plains and foothills in eastern Arizona, and they too will run more often than holding for a dog.

Scaled quail

Mearns' Quail

Montezuma, or Mearns’, quail are the largest of our hunted species, but they’re also the most secretive. Found most frequently in oak woodlands and savannas in southeastern Arizona, Montezuma quail hold so well to a dog that this species has become Arizona’s most coveted game bird.

Two other quail species can be seen in Arizona. The California quail is found in a few isolated pockets and receives little hunting pressure, while the masked bobwhite in southeastern Arizona is federally listed and protected as an endangered species, so its harvest is prohibited.

Quail hunting is available from mid-October through early February.

Mearns' quail
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