Best Practices for Deer and Elk Hunters

CWD prions pass from infected animals to healthy animals through exposure to infected saliva, urine, and feces. It can also be transmitted through exposure to contaminated soil and infected animal carcasses.
- In many cases, animals may not appear to be sick. That means the only way to know if an animal has CWD is to professionally test the animal.
- AGFC recommends the following “best practices” for elk and deer hunters.
- Do not transport whole deer or elk carcasses outside of the CWD Management Zone. Don’t be the person who spreads the disease to new areas.
- Properly dispose of all deer and elk carcasses no matter where you hunt.
- Do not use food, mineral licks, or any bait that can cause deer and elk to gather. Baiting causes animals to come into contact with each other. This causes CWD to spread more rapidly. Therefore, these items are now limited in the CWD Management Zone.
- Wear latex or rubber gloves when field dressing or butchering a deer or elk.
- Remember to always soak any knife or utensil used to skin, debone, or process a deer or elk in a 40 percent bleach solution.
- Check the current Arkansas Hunting Guidebook for CWD testing information and for any changes in the regulations.