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Course Outline

Beavers follow underwater paths called channels. Sets that may prove productive for capturing beavers are blind sets and castor mound sets that are placed in these channels.

  • Blind Set (Channel/Runway Set): In this type of set, the snare is placed in the natural channel, usually leading to or from lodges or feeding stations. The beaver swims through the snare loop and is caught around the chest. Sticks, rocks, limbs, or other debris items are often used to narrow the channel and guide the animal into the loop.
  • Castor Mound Set: Beavers will often make mounds of mud and mark them with castor. If beavers are in the area but no mound is visible, you can make one and mark it with castor lure. The snare is then placed in the natural channel leading to the castor mound. The beaver swims through the loop and is caught around the chest. Sticks, rocks, limbs, or other debris items are often used to narrow the approach and guide the animal into the loop.
  • Unit 5 of 6
  • Topic 4 of 5
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