Aiming the Bow
There are two main methods for aiming bows—bow sights and instinctive aiming.
- Bow sights work best when the distance to the target is known. For instance, when hunting from a tree stand or blind, you can measure the distance to the area where you expect the game to appear. Then it’s a matter of lining up the appropriate sight pin on the target. In hunting situations where it’s hard to know the exact distance to the target, bow sights may not work well. The key to using bow sights is to practice judging distances.
- Instinctive aiming is more versatile than the bow sight method. You simply look at the intended target with both eyes open and release. You adjust the aim for different distances by instinct developed with practice. Instinctive aiming takes longer to perfect than the bow sight method, but it eliminates much of the guesswork from shooting under some hunting conditions.
Bow Sights vs. Instinctive Aiming
With bow sights, you line up the appropriate sight pin on the target.

With instinctive aiming, you simply look at the intended target with both eyes open and release.