Today's Hunter in New York Student Manual
The official student manual for New York's hunter education courses.
Developed and approved by the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, this digital version of the classroom manual will help you to become a better, safer, and more responsible hunter.

Why does Hunter Ed ask for my address and email to download the free PDF?
Hunter Ed does not share, sell, or trade email or billing addresses. We ask for your contact information in case you experience problems with the download. We want to make sure our customer support specialists can contact you and help as needed.

About Today’s Hunter in New York

New York Specific
This official New York student manual will provide you with the knowledge and skills you need to be a safe and responsible hunter.

The manual is designed to meet the standards for hunter training established by the International Hunter Education Association (IHEA-USA).

Today’s Hunter in New York is approved by the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, the state agency responsible for the administration of New Mexico's hunter education programs.

"New York has an extremely safety-conscious generation of hunters, thanks largely to over 60 years of Hunter-Trapper Education and the dedicated efforts of thousands of volunteer Instructors.
Hunting remains safer than ever, but we cannot become complacent, as every hunting-related shooting incident is preventable."
We’re people, not robots.
Your Hunter Ed course comes with a dedicated customer service team made up of real people, not robots. We’re here to provide assistance to you through all channels—phone, email, and chat.
We’re available to help you:
Mon-Fri 8am to 8pm CST
Sat-Sun 8am to 5pm CST
1-800-830-2268 (toll free)